Staying Busy “In Quarantine”- Some Do’s and Don’ts
Working and living 100% remotely is a stressful adjustment for all of us. Finding ways to keep busy and stay productive from home can be hard. It’s so easy to fall into bad habits and become unmotivated.
So, below are a few tips that have helped me adjust.
Go on walks
A lot of states are under social distancing restrictions. Going shopping is the only reason most of us should be leaving the house. However, you can still take a walk around your neighborhood if you stay six feet apart from other people. Going on a walk and having a change of scenery is a great way of clearing your mind and staying active. If you stay inside all day long and never see or feel the sunlight, that can have a huge negative impact on your mood. Even if you don’t go on a walk, going to your backyard or terrace, if you have one, for some vitamin D will lighten your mood!
Bake with your family
I don’t know many people who dislike brownies and cake. This is a great way to connect with the people around you while making a delicious dessert. My mom and I have never made so many cookies! Bringing in the whole family to make a cake can be interesting … and definitely entertaining. We also play music and have a dance party while baking.
Watch movies with your family
A movie a day keeps the boredom away. I don’t recommend watching movies all day; but, watching one a day with your family can be great bonding time. So far, my family has watched Overboard, Frozen 2, and many others. A different family member chooses the movie each day, from my little cousins to my grandfather.
Work out or meditate
Though family is great, sometimes we need our own time. Some of us are stuck at home with all our family members, which can get overwhelming. Staying physically and mentally active is a great way to let off steam or clear your mind. Many trainers and celebs are giving free live virtual workouts on platforms like Instagram!
I've found virtual workouts from @ChrisHemsworth, @DavidKirsch, @KarlieKloss, @AngelaManuelDavis, and Planet Fitness on Facebook.
Make yourself a routine
In my opinion, this is the most important thing everyone should do for themselves. Creating a new schedule for this “new normal” will make you more productive and most likely keep you motivated. Even if your internship discontinued, as many of ours have, online class shouldn’t be the only productive thing you complete every day! Cleaning your room, reading a book, or painting a portrait are all productive things you can now incorporate into your daily life. Think about this situation as a great opportunity to get things done that you didn’t have enough time to do before.
Overwatching the news
Staying informed and aware of the current situation is definitely important. However, gluing yourself to the news too many times a day can create more anxiety. Make sure you stay informed once or twice a day, but don’t let the news consume you. Instead, distract yourself with other activities that will fulfill you.
Too much “technology time”
Ok, this one may be really hard since we just entered a world where everything is virtual. But, try your best to put technology away. Even if LIM College is all online now, you shouldn’t spend too many hours a day on your computer. Staring at a screen too long can create headaches and eye discomfort. Once you’re finished with your work, step away from your computer and focus on other stuff.
Staying in your room
Socializing with others if a basic human need. Come out of your room and talk to your siblings or your parents. Staying in your room all day can lead to insomnia, especially if you sit on your bed a majority of the time. If you can, complete some of your online work on a terrace or anywhere else outside your room.
Living in your pajamas
Even though doing your work in your pajamas can sound comfortable and appealing, try changing into street clothing, if not every day, at least a few times a week. There’s something about pajamas that can just make us feel less productive.