Club Highlight: LGBTQ+ Alliance

The LGBTQ+ Alliance is a club I knew the existence of, but I didn't really know who was part of it, what the club did, or any other details. I had the pleasure of learning more from Anna Grace and Frankie, co-leaders of LIM's LGBTQ+ Alliance. What better time to learn about the club than during Pride Month?

What club are you part of and what’s your status within it?

Anna Grace: The LGBTQ+ Alliance, I have been one of the co-leaders since Spring 2019

Frankie: I am one of the Co-leaders of the LGBTQ+ Alliance, and have been since Spring 2020.

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What year are you in and what is your major?

Anna Grace: I am a junior studying International Businesses with a double minor in Marketing and Society and Culture.

Frankie: I am a junior majoring in Fashion Media with a minor in English.

What is your club about?

The LGBTQ+ Alliance is a club that advocates and spreads LGBTQ+ knowledge, awareness, and culture while bringing wide groups of people together.

What do you believe is special about your club?

Anna Grace: Our club is special because it is inclusive. People can be free to be themselves with no questions asked.

Frankie: It brings people together and lets them be their authentic selves. It highlights the authenticity and pride within the queer community.

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What are some events you do for the club?

Frankie: We hope to have events for Pride, National Coming Out Day, Trans Day of Visibility, and I personally would like to have a drag competition or show of some sort.

Anna Grace: We have marched in Pride the last two years and plan to do so again. We also have discussed movie nights.

How many meetings are there for the club per month and when are they?

We plan on having meetings at least once a month on Mondays starting in the Fall during the lunch break. We will email out more information as we start to decide what the club will be working on, and everyone is welcome to join!

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Anything else people should know about the club?

Anna Grace: Everyone is invited! If you are in the community, or maybe want to learn more, or want to be an ally, we welcome everyone in.

Frankie: The club is a safe space to share what you wish, and I hope we can make a change in our community with what we can accomplish.


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