Fall 2020 New Student Kick-Off

LIM College started classes this week. To close out the summer and intro the Fall 2020 semester, the Office of Student Life and the mentor program hosted a New Student Kickoff via Zoom. This event was open to all LIM students and was created to get new students excited about starting or continuing their college career at LIM. The event was hosted by Tom Krieglstein, CEO & Lead Facilitator of Swift Kick HQ.

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The Kickoff began by featuring encouraging remarks and information from College President Elizabeth Marcuse, Provost Lisa Springer, and Dean of Student Affairs Michael Richards. President Marcuse mentioned LIM’s dedication to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training for students, staff, and faculty over the summer and in the future. Provost Springer encouraged the new students to continue their education during a pandemic. Dean Richards discussed the importance of safety to the LIM community and various procedures required by the College this semester.  

After the opening remarks, Tom leads a series of fun games and questions to get everyone comfortable and acquainted. Poll questions like, “How many hours of sleep did you get?” reeled everyone in and revealed similarities between the new students, current students, faculty, and staff. Next, Tom asked students to find three things around them and present them in breakout groups. As an Orientation Leader, I found this activity fun to get moving and then compare items with other students and get to know them. A lot of people held up their pets; it was so cute!

Finally, Tom discussed the Dance Floor Theory and stories from college students. The Dance Floor Theory is a concept based on the idea that school dances they are more fun when your friends are there and you interact with multiple people. The same can be said about the college experience. You are more likely to have a better experience and have more career connections if you make an effort to meet new people, attend events, and get involved through clubs and programs. I wish I was aware of this analogy in my freshman year at LIM, but I realized how easy it was for me to have a fun time at LIM just because of the great community of people. I’m sure many will apply this approach to their freshman year.

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Even though the current pandemic has required most gatherings like this to be virtual, this event was very interactive and high energy. I had a great time as an Orientation Leader and could tell the new students had a great time, too.

Cheers to Fall 2020 at LIM and congrats to all of the new students. I hope everyone has a great school year!


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