Incoming Students Get A Chance To Meet Their New Roomie

It hasn’t always been easy, but I believe LIM College is doing an excellent job keeping students and incoming students involved during the COVID-19 pandemic. I attended the Virtual Roommate Mixer where the incoming Class of 2024 met each other and potentially made a friend they would like to room with!

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As a current student, I was happy to be there and answer questions about what it's been like for me to live in the residence hall. The incoming students got to know each other, despite it being a very new way to “meet people.”

When they were broken into smaller groups through the Zoom call, students asked each other all kinds of questions about music taste, sleeping preferences, favorite foods. Our Director of Housing, Erica Monnin, prompted a series of questions students could ask one another to get acquainted better.

I think students appreciated having someone there who could answer their questions first-hand. Some attendees commented on their lack of cooking skills and asked me what's easiest to cook in the residence hall kitchen.

I remember being so nervous when I first moved, so I wanted to ease their minds as much as I could. Moving to New York was one of the most exciting things my college experience has brought me, and I remember being as excited as the new students are. I was happy to welcome them and address any concerns they had about living and studying in New York City!


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