What Living on My Own Has Taught Me

Today marks one month since I have moved into a New York City apartment on my own!! Typing this out makes it seem so crazy, as if I am living a dream; Well I actually am living out my own dream.

Living on your own comes with a lot of changes, especially if you come from a big family like mine. Here are some things that I have had to learn, so you won’t have to!

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  • Learn how to use a key! I stink at using keys and the amount of times that I have had to knock on my neighbor’s door is unbelievable.

  • Make an extra set of keys and give them to someone you know living in New York. Unfortunately, I have locked myself out of my apartment and have had to call a locksmith.

  • Get to know your neighbors. It’s nice to have a friendly face in the building, and if you ever need anything, there is someone that you know.

  • One word. Melatonin. In this first month I have had lots of trouble sleeping, since my body knows that I am scared from the new space and being alone. Melatonin has helped me tremendously to get a better night’s rest.

  • Do your laundry. I didn’t do my laundry for the first two and half weeks of living alone and I was left with four loads. It really ruins your Saturday night plans.

  • Always carry a knife or pepper spray when you are walking alone. Personally, I carry both. I have never had to use either, hopefully I won’t need to, but hey, always better to be prepared.

  • Be responsible. Living alone is really fun, but it comes with a huge set of responsibilities. Wash your dishes, dust, maybe even vacuum every once in a while. 

  • When your parents want to meal prep for you, let them. Take it, take all they are giving you. Freeze it, save it for later. The amount of times that a frozen chicken cutlet has come in handy is unbelievable.

  • Get your homework done. I find myself losing hours in Netflix or YouTube, but just because you have your own TV doesn’t mean you can forget about school. Remember why you are living in the city in the first place.

  • Get to know your neighborhood. This city has so much to offer; eat at a new restaurant, try all the coffee shops, go on a walk and shop more than you already probably do. There is so much to take advantage of and it always ends up in a good time.


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