Inside Look on Recent SYE and TSO Event

My name is Erika Massey, and I am the Sophomore Year Experience (SYE) Coordinator for the Office of Student Life. Both the SYE and the Transfer Student Organization (TSO) plan events for students to connect, have some fun and learn more about what is happening on the LIM Campus.

So far this semester, I have hosted the TSO Sand event on February 7th and the SYE Selfcare event on February 2nd. These events were so fun for me to hold. I am very passionate about mental health and self-care, so I wanted to plan an event that could help with the stress of being a college student.

This event was a grab-and-go event with prepackaged self-care kits. They had face masks, lip balm, hand sanitizer, and a couple of other goodies. We also were giving away scent beads so that people in the dorms could also bring them home. This event was super successful, and we gave away almost all the packages. Both TSO and SYE have had some DIY arts and crafts events in the past.

Our latest TSO event was a DIY Sand Kits. It came with a cute little bottle, a few different colors of sand, and a funnel with instructions. A few students couldn’t help but start filling their bottles right when they got them, and others chose to bring them home for later. I loved how my cute bottle came together.

I am so excited to plan for the rest of the semester, and if you have any event ideas, email at or come to one of our events!


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