Safe and Stylish

Do you have a creative mind? Do you like styling outfits with accessories? Do you want to win a 50 dollar gift card? If you answered yes, keep reading!

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LIM College is holding a mask/face-covering styling contest called “Safe and Stylish” where the winner will get a $50 gift card! Any current or incoming LIM student can style their facial covering with an outfit to win. This is a fun opportunity for you to show your creative and stylish side.

What counts as a face covering?

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Basically, anything that covers your mouth and nose is considered an acceptable personal protective equipment(PPE) mask.

-Handmade mask



-Patterned mask


-Regular medical mask

-Modified upper-body garment

-Clear plastic shield

Students are encouraged to be creative! You could buy a patterned mask that will look good with an outfit. You can create a face covering that matches your outfit. You could design a fashionable mask that stands out and is unique. You can turn a regular piece of clothing into a mask that pairs well with your outfit. Have fun!

 Who can participate?

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This contest is open to all current LIM College students that includes undergraduate, graduate, incoming freshman, and online students.To participate, DM our Instagram @LIMCollege your photo.

What is the prize if I win?

You will win a $50 gift card if you are selected as the winner! Even if you do not win, your photo may still be featured on LIM’s social media.

When is the deadline?

Contest submissions are open until August 30th! DM your photo of you styling your mask!

Any other rules?

-Clear high-quality photo

-Must be a current student

-No visible profanity

Final note...

I think this is a perfect opportunity to turn a challenging time into something fun, proactive, and important. Even though wearing face-coverings can sometimes be cumbersome, and remind us of the pandemic, it's the socially responsible thing to do right now, especially as LIM’s campus reopens for the fall. Plus, this is a great way for fashion students to show their innovative sides. As LIM is requiring all students, staff, and faculty to wear facial coverings on campus, I think this is a perfect way to get used to wearing one.


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