Six Essential Back To School Items During a Pandemic

With school starting in less than a month it’s important to make sure you have all the right supplies. Because we are currently in a global pandemic there are a few key products I would advise every student going on campus to have. While not all of these are requirements I think they are essential in keeping healthy in a place like New York City.

1. A Mask (required)

According to state laws in New York, everyone needs to wear a mask, which is why it’s the number one new accessory. Almost every store is now selling them and people are buying a variety to mix and match with their outfits. Since LIM is a fashion-based school I have no doubt there’s going to be some serious mask styling going on. I’m expecting to see designer masks, hand made masks, blinged-out masks, and so much more. I’m sure mask sales will even be a huge discussion in classes. Do you have your masks prepared for classes already?

2. Hand Sanitizer

While on campus there are tons of bathrooms to stop in and wash your hands, however, it’s walking in between classes you need to be careful. A city is a busy place and people are constantly touching things without noticing, having hand sanitizer is an easy way to wash your hands when you don’t have access to a sink. Bath and Bodyworks have tons of perfect travel-sized ones that are easy to throw in any bag, while also smelling good. For a while hand sanitizer was very hard to find but Bath and Bodyworks seem to still have plenty stalked. Amazon also has tons of travel-sized hand sanitizers if you’d prefer to order them online and in bulk.

3. Gloves (for the subway)

Often on the subways, you end up standing and holding onto a poll that hundreds of other people have touched. Because the trains are the easiest and one of the main ways to travel in the city I would advise carrying around a few pairs of disposable gloves. I also hope if you do choose to use disposable gloves that you dispose of them properly and not just drop them on the ground. The world is polluted enough as is, we don’t need plastic gloves clogging up the streets.

4. Planner

to help keep organized, especially with online classes. A large part of classes are now being put online and many students are not used to that. A planner is a great way to help remind you of all the little things you’ll have to do since you won’t be getting in-person reminders. While maybe you’ve never used a planner in the past now would be a
good time to give it a chance. You might even find that you like it since you can physically write in it. Physically writing is a good contrast to being on the computer all the time and might even bring you some comfort.

5. No Touch Door Opener/ Elevator Push

I love this one because doors and elevator buttons are somewhat unavoidable, however, you have no way of knowing how many and who have touched them before you. Getting this tool, which you can find on Amazon, is a great way to make sure you stay safe. Since it’s made out of metal it is also very easy to clean after you’ve used it. You can even simply whip it down with hand sanitizer after each use.

6. Headphones and Zoom Mobile App

Zoom on your laptop is probably the most proficient, but you never know when you might have computer issues or lose Wifi. Downloading Zoom to your phone can be a great backup plan if that does ever happen. Having headphones is also very helpful if you don’t have a quiet room in your house or if you’re trying not to disturb anyone. Personally, I also find it easier to hear what people say through headphones.


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Safe and Stylish