How to Balance Everything From a Busy Bee

College is all about meeting new people, networking, finding a career and most importantly, having a fun time! Wow, that is a lot, right? And that is only some of what you’re “supposed to do” in college! It can be hard to balance your classes, clubs, work, and social life. Trust me, I know how hard it is. For the last three years at LIM, I have done it all, all at once. I have worked multiple jobs at school and outside of school, have had leadership positions in clubs like The Lexington Line, all while keeping up with friends and maintaining good grades. It has been stressful to say the least, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. So, how do you juggle everything and still manage to keep your grades up, make a living and maintain good mental health? The answer is balance. Here are some tips for balancing your busy schedule.

Have a plan

First and foremost, have a plan for all of your commitments. Set up goals for yourself and make sure you have time for everything. If you’re like me, you wish you could do it all but sometimes you can’t. You might have to sacrifice Fridays to get some homework done or limit yourself to being a part of one or two clubs. Cutting down on some of your commitments can help you to have more time for yourself and have the ability to focus on each task or project. It can be hard to decide what to take out of your schedule. If I have to cut down on activities, I look at my financial/career needs and what makes me the happiest. If it helps, you can even break out the old notepad and pen and do a pros and cons list!

Stay Organized

After you have a plan for your commitments and set up some goals, you’ll have to set up a schedule. Staying organized is the most important aspect to juggling jobs, classes, clubs, and social activities. Using a planner, setting up due dates and a weekly schedule in your calendar can help you keep track of everything you have to do. One thing that helps me is setting reminders in my phone and making to-do lists each day in my notes app, that way I can manage my time to meet the needs of my schedule.


Living in NYC can be really expensive, especially if you’re a busy bee or social butterfly, like me. Whether it’s buying groceries, paying the subway faire, or having an occasional night out with friends, everything is pricey. The best way to survive in this city if you are balling on a budget, is to… you guessed it—budget! Setting up a monthly budget through an app or making your own spreadsheet allows you to keep track of what you have to pay for. Budgeting is important especially if you have a job, are trying to save money for school, or want to have some extra spending money for your free time.

Take a break

This is the most important part of being a successful busy bee, knowing when to take a break. Mental health always comes first and if you’re like me, sometimes you put too much on your plate, which can be draining. Whether it’s a 15min brain break to do some breathing exercises in between meetings, or taking a whole day off to take a walk or cook yourself a meal, taking a break will help you in the long run. Doing little things for yourself and taking a break from your phone and computer can help you to maintain a positive and healthy headspace. When you have a good headspace and allow your mind and body to rest, you can be ready to take on all of the projects you have to complete.

I hope that these tips can help you to tackle your busy schedule, so that you can be successful in doing anything you put your mind to!


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